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Mentorship Training

The ULCHS Mentorship Program equips current and future faculty with a cross-cutting set of competencies focusing on career guidance, professional development, and academic leadership at the University of Liberia College of Health Sciences. The Program will be housed along with other professional development programs in the ULCHS Center for Teaching, Learning and Innovation (CTLI), ensuring its long-term sustainability and engagement at ULCHS. The development of this program was supported by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) / Fogarty International Center. Evaluations and assessments include, but are not limited to, pre-and post-program mentorship assessment, program evaluation, and module assessments.

Program Competencies

- Communicate the importance of effective mentoring and the impact of strong leadership on mentoring relationships.


- Apply documented principles of leadership and mentoring in order to empower mentees, foster independence,

   and positively influence the mentoring culture at ULCHS.


-  Implement effective communication strategies to facilitate healthy mentorship relationships and address conflicts that

    may arise in mentoring relationships.


-  Demonstrate awareness of the impact of diversity and cultural bias on productive mentoring relationships.


-  Implement evidence-based practice to enhance mentoring outcomes.


- Demonstrate ethical practices in research and mentoring by clearly defining roles, ethical principles, and professional


Program Structure

The ULCHS Mentorship Program will be divided into four full-day workshops exploring selected topics in mentoring. Each workshop will be led by ULCHS faculty members in a thematic area corresponding to their personal expertise. The workshops are designed to be an interactive learning experience between the senior faculty mentors and the Mentoring Fellows. Each day will carry with it the expectation for Mentoring Fellows to attend nine hours of class (8:00-17:00 with breakfast, lunch, and tea breaks included), read assigned articles and complete assigned materials prior to class meetings, thoughtfully participate in class sessions, and complete all activities and assessments.


Mentorship Training 2023 in Pictorial


Office Location 

College of Health Sciences,

University of Liberia

Adjacent Catholic Hospital, Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia Liberia

This training is going to help me in teaching medical students. It will increase my ability, how I relate to students, and how I deliver the lectures based on the knowledge we require. The training reinforces and solidifies what you are supposed to be practicing. It is going to help in diversity and tolerance.

~ Joyce B. Gwaikolo – Consultant Physician | Doctor

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